Keyboard Shortcuts ================== Keyboard shortcuts for the module viewer, and anywhere else you can edit code. These are mosly just copied from here: :command:`autocomplete` :kbd:`Ctrl-Space` (PC), :kbd:`Ctrl-Space` (Mac) Bring up the autocomplete widget. :command:`search` :kbd:`Ctrl-S` (PC), :kbd:`Cmd-S` (Mac) Search the whole content of the editor. :command:`selectAll` :kbd:`Ctrl-A (PC), Cmd-A (Mac)` Select the whole content of the editor. :command:`killLine` :kbd:`Ctrl-K (Mac)` Emacs-style line killing. Deletes the part of the line after the cursor. If that consists only of whitespace, the newline at the end of the line is also deleted. :command:`deleteLine` :kbd:`Ctrl-D (PC), Cmd-D (Mac)` Deletes the whole line under the cursor, including newline at the end. :command:`delWrappedLineLeft` :kbd:`Cmd-Backspace (Mac)` Delete the part of the line from the left side of the visual line the cursor is on to the cursor. :command:`delWrappedLineRight` :kbd:`Cmd-Delete (Mac)` Delete the part of the line from the cursor to the right side of the visual line the cursor is on. :command:`undo` :kbd:`Ctrl-Z (PC), Cmd-Z (Mac)` Undo the last change. :command:`redo` :kbd:`Ctrl-Y (PC), Shift-Cmd-Z (Mac), Cmd-Y (Mac)` Redo the last undone change. :command:`undoSelection` :kbd:`Ctrl-U (PC), Cmd-U (Mac)` Undo the last change to the selection, or if there are no selection-only changes at the top of the history, undo the last change. :command:`redoSelection` :kbd:`Alt-U (PC), Shift-Cmd-U (Mac)` Redo the last change to the selection, or the last text change if no selection changes remain. :command:`goDocStart` :kbd:`Ctrl-Home (PC), Cmd-Up (Mac), Cmd-Home (Mac)` Move the cursor to the start of the document. :command:`goDocEnd` :kbd:`Ctrl-End (PC), Cmd-End (Mac), Cmd-Down (Mac)` Move the cursor to the end of the document. :command:`goLineStart` :kbd:`Alt-Left (PC), Ctrl-A (Mac)` Move the cursor to the start of the line. :command:`goLineStartSmartHome` Move to the start of the text on the line, or if we are already there, to the actual start of the line (including whitespace). :command:`goLineEnd` :kbd:`Alt-Right (PC), Ctrl-E (Mac)` Move the cursor to the end of the line. :command:`goLineRight` :kbd:`Cmd-Right (Mac)` Move the cursor to the right side of the visual line it is on. :command:`goLineLeft` :kbd:`Cmd-Left (Mac)` Move the cursor to the left side of the visual line it is on. If this line is wrapped, that may not be the start of the line. :command:`goLineUpUp ` :kbd:`Ctrl-P (Mac)` Move the cursor up one line. :command:`goLineDownDown, ` :kbd:`Ctrl-N (Mac)` Move down one line. :command:`goPageUpPageUp, Shift-` :kbd:`Ctrl-V (Mac)` Move the cursor up one screen, and scroll up by the same distance. :command:`goPageDownPageDown, ` :kbd:`Ctrl-V (Mac)` Move the cursor down one screen, and scroll down by the same distance. :command:`goCharLeftLeft, ` :kbd:`Ctrl-B (Mac)` Move the cursor one character left, going to the previous line when hitting the start of line. :command:`goCharRightRight, ` :kbd:`Ctrl-F (Mac)` Move the cursor one character right, going to the next line when hitting the end of line. :command:`goColumnLeft` Move the cursor one character left, but don’t cross line boundaries. :command:`goColumnRight` Move the cursor one character right, don’t cross line boundaries. :command:`goWordLeft` :kbd:`Alt-B (Mac)` Move the cursor to the start of the previous word. :command:`goWordRight` :kbd:`Alt-F (Mac)` Move the cursor to the end of the next word. :command:`goGroupLeft` :kbd:`Ctrl-Left (PC), Alt-Left (Mac)` Move to the left of the group before the cursor. A group is a stretch of word characters, a stretch of punctuation characters, a newline, or a stretch of more than one whitespace character. :command:`goGroupRight` :kbd:`Ctrl-Right (PC), Alt-Right (Mac)` Move to the right of the group after the cursor (see above). :command:`delCharBeforeShift-Backspace, ` :kbd:`Ctrl-H (Mac)` Delete the character before the cursor. :command:`delCharAfterDelete, ` :kbd:`Ctrl-D (Mac)` Delete the character after the cursor. :command:`delWordBefore` :kbd:`Alt-Backspace (Mac)` Delete up to the start of the word before the cursor. :command:`delWordAfter` :kbd:`Alt-D (Mac)` Delete up to the end of the word after the cursor. :command:`delGroupBefore` :kbd:`Ctrl-Backspace (PC), Alt-Backspace (Mac)` Delete to the left of the group before the cursor. :command:`delGroupAfter` :kbd:`Ctrl-Delete (PC), Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (Mac), Alt-Delete(Mac)` Delete to the start of the group after the cursor. :command:`indentAutoShift-Tab` Auto-indent the current line or selection. :command:`indentMore` :kbd:`Ctrl-] (PC), Cmd-] (Mac)` Indent the current line or selection by one indent unit. :command:`indentLess` :kbd:`Ctrl-[ (PC), Cmd-[ (Mac)` Dedent the current line or selection by one indent unit. :command:`insertTab` Insert a tab character at the cursor. :command:`insertSoftTab` Insert the amount of spaces that match the width a tab at the cursor position would have. :command:`defaultTabTab` If something is selected, indent it by one indent unit. If nothing is selected, insert a tab character. :command:`transposeChars` :kbd:`Ctrl-T (Mac)` Swap the characters before and after the cursor. :command:`newlineAndIndentEnter` Insert a newline and auto-indent the new line. :command:`toggleOverwriteInsert` Flip the overwrite flag. :command:`save` :kbd:`Ctrl-S (PC), Cmd-S (Mac)` Not defined by the core library, only referred to in key maps. Intended to provide an easy way for user code to define a save command. :command:`find` :kbd:`Ctrl-F (PC), Cmd-F (Mac)` :command:`findNext` :kbd:`Ctrl-G (PC), Cmd-G (Mac)` :command:`findPrev` :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-G (PC), Shift-Cmd-G (Mac)` :command:`replace` :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-F (PC), Cmd-Alt-F (Mac)` :command:`replaceAll` :kbd:`Shift-Ctrl-R (PC), Shift-Cmd-Alt-F (Mac)` Not defined by the core library, but defined in the search addon (or custom client addons).