Developing Tactic

These are the instructions to use if you want to edit the Tactic source yourself and run it locally.

This really isn’t enough to get started, so it’s mostly for me.

Initial setup

  1. Install Node.js and npm

  2. Install Docker and start it.

  3. Clone the tactic git repository

    1. You might need to make a directory named “persist” at the top level of the cloned project.

  4. In a terminal, in the directory associated with the project, run npm install to install all of the various Javascript dependencies

For this all to work, you need to somehow have a local mongo database with the appropriate starting material. There’s no easy solution for that yet.

Building steps

To build development javascript files:

  • Run npm run build

To build production javascript bundles:

  • Run npm run build-production

To build docker images:

  • Run dbuild all to build x86 images

  • Run dbuild_arm all to build arm64 images (needed for Apple silicon).

Starting tactic

To start tactic, cd into the tactic_app directory then run: --root <path to project root> --mdir <path to mongo data> --arm64 --dev

Get rid of the –arm64 flag if you’ve built x86 images. Get rid of the –dev flag if you want to use the production bundles.